Supporter Spotlight

Cameron Krueger is an industry veteran who has been involved with the ELFA and ELFF since 1990. Currently he leads Accenture’s consulting practice that focuses on the equipment finance market across Strategy, Operations, IT and all things Digital. He has a long track record of giving time to many roles at the Foundation and Association.
How did you first get involved in the equipment finance industry? What trajectory has your career taken?
Equipment Finance was never “a plan”. It was an accident roughly 40 years ago when I did a little freelance work at LINC Scientific Leasing that turned into a full-time job. And, like the Hotel California, you can check into leasing, but you can never leave. I’ve always been and Operations and Technology person and parleyed that into work at three leasing companies and now consulting to just about every lessor in the Monitor 50. It a fantastic industry with fantastic people and fun projects to dive into and help companies grow.
How did you first got involved with membership/volunteering to support the industry? And what volunteer roles have you held?
Management at LINC was very supporting of getting the young folks involved in the ELA (as it was known then) and it just kept going from there. One committee, then another, and another, then the Board and of course the Foundation. I think I have served on the Ops & Tech Committee, Service Providers Business Council, The Board of Directors and of course the Foundation where I was chair for several years. All were great opportunities for get involve, meet people, stay connected ad give back.
Why did you decide to support the Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation?
I know the Foundation work very well as a result of serving on the board for many years. I know how important the research is to my work and the work of my clients. I also know it’s hard work that is managed by the outstanding Foundation staff and member volunteers.
Would you be willing to share why you were motivated to make a legacy gift (a commitment to contribute to the Foundation in your estate plans after your lifetime)?
The 1989 Society is an idea I long supported. I’ve always felt that there needed to be a vehicle for making gifts to the Foundation that can give it the strength to engage in long term research and to stability to sustain itself through all economic cycles. It was an easy decision for my family to make because they know how important this industry has been to my personal growth and success.