Interested in recruiting students to your company ? The Foundation shares resources for engagement beyond the classroom.
Best Practices for Recruiting a Diverse Workforce
Employers can implement several research-based practices to achieve greater success in recruiting and developing interns from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Predominantly Black Institutions (PBIs).
- National Association for Colleges and Employers
- Practices For Successfully Recruiting and Developing Students from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and (Predominately Black Institutions (PBIs)
- International Student Employment: Answering Questions About "Employment VISA Sponsorship"
Internship Resources in Equipment Finance
Find Talent with an Internship Program. Equipment finance leaders share tips for creating a win-win experience for students and organizations.
The Foundation Internship Resource Page provides a resource for students to search some of the top companies providing internship opportunities in the field of equipment finance.
Experiential Learning
Engage directly with a local university and connect with students in your area by participating in Experiential Learning. Experiential Learning creates unique real world educational experiences for students while providing measurable value to your company.
- Partner with a university for a semester to develop a problem statement
- Faculty selects students- Teams are the best and the brightest--you get exposure to, and see the students in action
- Meet with the students to discuss problem statement
- Students produce final presentation and report
- A number of companies use this as a tool for recruiting
- Northern Illinois University-Learning Case Studies
- Student Projects- Connecting Company Projects and University Classrooms
- National Society for Experiential Education
Shadow Programs
Job shadowing allows a student to spend a few hours or a day with a professional working in the student's career interest. The student has the opportunity to experience what the job is like and can ask questions too! Job shadowing gives you the opportunity to meet future industry professionals and connect your company with a pool of potential interns/ new hires in your community.
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