Industry Research

The Foundation produces a variety of resources on the equipment leasing and finance industry to help you navigate critical issues and stay up-to-date on current trends. Plan ahead monthly to access the Foundation-Keybridge U.S. Equipment & Software Investment Momentum Monitor,  the Monthly Confidence Index (MCI), in addition to quarterly Economic Outlook updates. Visit the online Research Library for additional data intelligence studies and reports.

Economic Outlook

This comprehensive report analyzes global and domestic trends impacting capital spending and economic growth in the coming year. It identifies key signposts specific to the equipment finance industry and features the monthly Momentum Monitors. LEARN MORE

Horizon Report 

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Industry Horizon Report provides a unique look at the trends in the equipment finance industry over the past year, identifies key drivers for future growth, and explores emerging opportunities and risks that could shape the industry over the next 3-5 years. LEARN MORE

Momentum Monitor Sector Matrix

Momentum Monitor

The Foundation-Keybridge U.S. Equipment & Software Investment Momentum Monitor consists of indices for 12 equipment and software investment verticals. LEARN MORE

Monthly Confidence Index

The Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) reports a qualitative assessment of both the prevailing business conditions, and expectations for the future, as reported by the key executives from the $1 trillion equipment finance sector. LEARN MORE

Journal of Equipment
Lease Financing

The Journal of Equipment Lease Financing is a long standing and widely used peer-reviewed publication on the equipment finance industry.  The Journal publishes leading research across all the major topics of the industry. LEARN MORE

Industry Future Council

The Industry Future Council (IFC) is comprised of a cross section of selected industry executives. The IFC participants explore current issues, trends and the outlook for the future of the equipment finance industry. LEARN MORE


The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation podcast is now available. The podcast spotlights Foundation resources and programs, including interviews with researchers, Board of Trustees members, and more. LEARN MORE

Grant Opportunities

The Foundation has funded millions of dollars in research grants to study key topics for and about the equipment leasing and finance industry. Are you an industry expert or leading researcher? LEARN MORE